Skill Shortages in Italy 

Italy is witnessing skills shortage in many fields and surplus in some others, which is a similar trend to other countries of the European Union. The most acute skills shortages are in engineering and technology occupations. The problem has grown worse in the past few years, as the Italian job market is increasingly struggling to find skilled workers. The problem that Italy is facing right now is not a new problem, these skills shortage have been visible for the last few years, but the demand has simply not been met. 

According to the latest research, there will be close to 200,000 jobs available in sectors such as food & beverages, textiles, and chemicals. 

Engineers and tech experts also are in high demand, but there seems to be a shortage of supply for these skills because of two major factors, one, only 20% of the population is less than 24 years of age and a sizable part of the population is aging. Second, there aren’t enough people taking up education or training to get skilled and bridge the gap between the demand and supply of skills in Italy. Positions such as game developers, app designers, systems experts, etc, will be much in demand in this sector. 

Engineering and Tech experts, financial experts, administrative services and specialized talent in the manufacturing sector are going to be some of the most sought after talent in the coming years, in the last decade Italy has been witnessing skilled professionals from other countries such as United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, etc. being a part of their workforce, but as most of the European Union suffers from the same problem, Italy will need to look beyond the European Union to bridge its skills gap.