The government of Italy is a democratic republic established by the 1946 constitution. It...
Italy is the sixth largest market in the world for robots, and it is...
Demographics and Ethnicity in Italy Italy has roughly a total population of 60.2 million...
Italy is a global leader in high fashion, an industry centered in Milan, a...
Italy’s industrial economy is divided into two parts – developed industries in the northern...
Climate of Italy Italy lies in the temperate zone. In general, there are 4...
Skill Shortages in Italy Italy is witnessing skills shortage in many fields and surplus...
Emerging Sectors in Italy Italy has an economy that is very diverse. It is...
Stay back options for students in Italy International (non-EU/EEA) students studying or aspiring to...
Working part-time alongside your studies is a good way to understand the Italian job...
When you are through with the application process and verification of your eligibility requirement...
Italian universities have their main intake in September, and rolling intakes for some of...
If you choose to pursue a bachelor’s program, you may need proficiency in the...
Italy is an ideal study destination for students who are willing to pursue a...
Top Universities and Institutes in Italy Italy is known for its rich collection of...
The Ministry of Public Instruction for preschool, primary schools, and secondary education and the...
Several students dream to study abroad, however, it’s not merely to have an international...