It’s very simple, to take CMAP+, all you need is:

  • an internet connection
  • a compatible laptop or computer
  • around 45 mins of quiet, uninterrupted time
  • no coaching needed
  • e-mail id where you will receive the assessment link

You can click on the link and take the CMAP+ assessment anytime, anywhere, but you should do it in a single sitting.

After completion, you will automatically receive a soft copy of your CMAP+ report.

Your TC Global Relationship Manager will then arrange an appointment at your convenience with one of our quality feedback Providers. This will be an in-depth, 1-1 discussion around your CMAP+ report and its interpretation, as well as guidance on how to use the CMAP+ report contents to shortlist your next steps.

Once that is complete you would need to do some follow up career research, and then re-connect with your Relationship Manager who will take your research forward on the next step in your career planning journey, whether that is Stream choice, Career Choice, University Choice, Course Choice or Country Choice.

CMAP+ is an online assessment, and includes the following sections, which are combined into a single link:



Verbal Reasoning

4 minutes

Numerical Reasoning

4 minutes

Abstract Reasoning

6 minutes


20 minutes

Total duration **

34 Minutes

* Estimate time duration as this section is not timed

** Does not include administration time which may add 2-3 mins per section


It’s important that you approach the CMAP+ assessment in an honest and open way. It is not an exam, and there is no pass or fail. It is a self-reflection assessment, and will show you what is your own personality, but only if you answer as honestly as possible. 

Connect with us to learn more about how CMAP+ can help you.