CMAP+ stands for Career Motivation Analysis Profile Plus and is the name given to one of the worldā€™s most popular and high-quality international Career Guidance psychometric Reports specifically designed for students.CMAP+ gives you the information you need so as to choose a career where you are more likely to be happy and successful. 

CMAP+ (Career Motivation Analysis Profile Plus) has been designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated assessment for career guidance and development, for students aged 15 years and above.

CMAP+ is a psychometric assessment which combines 4 tests in one sitting, collecting data about you in three areas:

ā€˜Career Interestsā€™

ā€˜Personal Work Needsā€™

ā€˜Reasoning Abilityā€™

CMAP+ measures a studentsā€™ strongest career interests on 9 themes, based on the work of John Holland. This helps identify the most suitable direction which will bring the most happiness and success

CMAP+ measures personal qualities, motivations and styles. They help in identifying career options that cater to your personality and individual ways of working, based on Cattellā€™s Trait Theory

CMAP+ assesses the capacity to perceive patterns of relationships and deduce the logical consequences. Vocational success has been linked to three abilities These are verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning. These measures are also referred to as tests of general reasoning ability and are based on Spearmanā€™sā€™ G factor model.


Combined, these psychometric elements provide job recommendations based on an individualsā€™ key interests, how well suited they are to the work environment and how capable they may be of coping with the intellectual demands of particular jobs.

We know that students who choose a career that aligns with their personality and aptitudes are most likely to be happy and successful (John Hollandsā€™ research)

Without this information, you may find yourself making a career decision based on subjective or minimal information. This can often lead to the realization, later on, that you donā€™t feel suited to the Course or Career you have chosen. You should avoid this at all costs!

Using CMAP+ before you make a decision will provide you with unbiased, factual and clear information about yourself, as well as career choices that match your unique personality so that you can make a decision with the confidence that it is more likely to result in happiness and success. 

Connect with us to know how CMAP+ can help you find happiness and success!