But I know what career I want. Why should I take CMAP+?
That’s great! CMAP+ will be useful to verify your choice and educate you about your personality drivers and motivators. This will increase your self-awareness and will be useful in interviews to articulate strong and confident answers about your strengths, passions and values.
Sometimes a career decision may have been influenced by those who care for us (Parents, friends, siblings, etc) who have your best interests at heart but maybe do not really know what is in your heart. It is important to be aware of this: CMAP+ will help you align these different opinions.
After you have finished the assessment (online), you will automatically receive a soft copy of your report.
The report is 16 pages, providing a comprehensive description of your personality, aptitude and options.
Psychometric reports can be overwhelming and technical. The CMAP+ report is not: it’s very user friendly with colorful diagrams, no jargon, and no lengthy words, and easy to interpret score charts. Nevertheless, we know that you will need support. The Assessment is no use to you as a stand-alone report. A report alone is not of much help. This is where the support offered by TC Global is unique. We provide 1-1 support to help you make full use of your CMAP+ report, no matter at what stage of your career planning journey you are at.
Once you have received your report, your TC Global Relationship Manager will then arrange an appointment at your convenience with one of our quality Feedback Providers. This will be an in-depth, 1-1 discussion just for you, of 40-60 minutes, around your report and its interpretation. This is so that you fully understand what the report is saying, and to check that it is a true reflection of yourself. You will have a chance to ask questions and gets answers. Your Feedback Provider will end by guiding you on how to use the report contents to shortlist your next steps.
Once the Feedback session is complete you would need to do some self-directed follow-up career research. It might take you a couple of days, or longer, depending on your own particular situation. This research is very important since it fills in the gaps in your knowledge about what the different careers actually involve and offer. This means you can analyze what you like/don’t like about each of the career options you have shortlisted from the report, and prioritize your choice
When you have finished your research, you will then re-connect with your Relationship Manager who will help you to make an action plan to take you forward on the next step in your career planning journey, whether that is Stream Choice, Career Choice, University Choice, Course Choice or Country Choice.
If Stream Choice is your challenge, we will correlate your CMAP+ report results with our ’Ready Reckoner’ which will give you clarity on what choice would be best for you.
CMAP+ is not just a test. It is used as part of an on-going package of support for your career planning journey. It’s the best package you can find.
Connect with us to understand how we will support you through CMAP+ psychometric test.