What better way to explain what we are talking about than with a real-life sample? Here are two handpicked SOPs that stood out and secured the applicant an admission in top universities. That said, you shouldn’t COPY this content or paraphrase it.
An Ideal SOP
If you are consulting a counselor, you must’ve been briefed on how to write an ideal SOP, i.e. A well-structured standard format. The thing is, the guidelines sometimes leave students confused unless a sample is shown on what exactly they mean. Then again, following the guidelines doesn’t guarantee a winning SOP. Sometimes when you focus on the rules tad too seriously, it tends to get boring and come across as automated.
Sample 1: An Ideal SOP
If you are consulting a counselor, you must’ve been briefed on how to write an ideal SOP, i.e. A well-structured standard format. The thing is, the guidelines sometimes leave students confused unless a sample is shown on what exactly they mean. Then again, following the guidelines doesn’t guarantee a winning SOP. Sometimes when you focus on the rules tad too seriously, it tends to get boring and come across as automated.
So, how will you write a statement that fulfills the guidelines and still sound interesting? Let’s have a look. This is a Statement of Purpose for an Undergraduate Management application.
The applicant opens the statement in a clear and concise manner, stating the course applied for. This is important to help the concerned university identify the concerned selection committee for the respective program. He further explains why he has chosen the course, why he is interested in it and cites his father’s line of business being an added advantage for him. In the introduction itself, he talks about the impact the program will have on him and the society. He sums it all up to how he is a good fit for the applied program.
BODY: What it Talks About
In the following 2nd and 3rd paragraph, he establishes the relation between the proposed course of study and the family’s business interests, highlighting its scope. In 4th and the 5th paragraph, he mentions his past academic background. He also talks about the project, internship and training undertaken during the period of study and in doing so sets a connection with the course of study.
Towards the end, i.e. in the 6th paragraph, he expresses his eagerness in choosing the proposed program with the university, and what the university offers
In the conclusion, the applicant has stressed on three important things, i.e.
– How the proposed course is relevant and impactful for his future goals
– His intention of coming back to the country to run his business