TC Global and psychometrics

Psychometric tests are standard and scientific methods used to measure an individual’s mental capabilities and behavioural style. Further the right psychometric assessment tool also helps individuals to understand how they can best add value to their teams and organisations by assessing their own work styles, personality type, potential, skills and team role.

Using the right psychometric assessment, measurement and analysis results in significant benefits to organisations in areas of leadership development, group behaviour, performance management and organisation and team design. Psychometrics also supports the human resource function as they play a vital role in assessing mental well-being and psychological health of employees.

At TC Global, we have partnered with Psytech International, global leaders in psychometric assessments and solutions to help clients access a broad range of leading psychometric tools for individual, team and organization success.

Psychometric assessments, help in the area of Education services as it helps students to understand their interest, abilities and personality. This is very important for students as they make informed career choices.

At TC Global, we also provide International Certifications in Psychometric Testing, credited by the British Psychological Society. We are the exclusive provider of International Certifications in India enabling membership of the British Psychological Society and certification from EFPA (European Foundation of Psychologists Associations). This allows you to have your own administration account which can be managed independently

Personality assessments and tests are not timed and usually take between 30 – 45 minutes to complete while ability tests are timed can take anywhere between 4 minutes and 15 minutes depending on the assessment.

As a test taker, you will receive a link to your assessment, with on-screen instructions. After completing the assessment your report is generated immediately. With no paper or pens and no manual scoring, the margin for error or biased evaluation is zero.

While some tests require supervision, most of the tests are designed to be valid without supervision making the logistics very straightforward. For some instances where the tests are supervised, we can provide our certified team or training in Test Administration (EFPA Level 1) is available from TC Global.

 Personality assessments are not timed and usually take between 30 – 45 minutes to complete while ability tests are timed can take anywhere between 4 minutes and 15 minutes depending on the assessment

Connect with us to view a online demonstration or access details  In-House training programs in psychometrics at TC Global.