Benefit of Psychometric testing in Talent Management

It’s time to demystify Psychometric testing for talent managers and the role it plays in attracting, creating and engaging a robust employee base. HR managers should take the psychometric data seriously as is likely to give the managers an edge over other subjective methods. Just like many other areas in HR , Psychometric assessment have a powerful role to play right from talent acquisition and up until the entire lifecycle of the employee. It can significantly increase their chances of finding a best fit for abilities, skills, attitude and personality as they look out to hire talent or assessing performance and potential   Psychometrics can bring benefits in the area of assessing leadership potential, team design and organisation design.

Psychometrics has had a very good track record of having a clear advantage in Talent management over other methods due to the following reasons:

  •  Valid, Reliable, Objective, Quantitative data

When the rules about how a test is designed are followed, we get the best chance of getting a ‘true’ result. This true and valid data can be used in predictive analytics in Talent Management. The recruiters and hiring managers can use this data for talent acquisition process. The results are also help in assessing future leadership potential for succession planning

  • Speed and cost-effectiveness

Psychometric tests are administered online, with automated reports, and can provide valuable insights to support screening in a short matter of time, without even having to meet the candidates.

  • Rules out unconscious bias

When a psychometric test is used, personal bias does not get a look in.

Psychometric assessments can uncover otherwise unconscious or hidden personality traits, providing deep insights into such things as de-motivators, stressors, values, leadership derailers. Use of psychometric testing helps to provide an unbiased tool  along the entire talent management process leading to better decision making.

Connect with us and discuss how psychometrics can benefit your organization.