Psychometrics and Talent acquisition

At TC Global, we have partnered with Psytech International, global leaders in psychometric assessments and solutions to help clients access a broad range of leading psychometric tools for individual, team and organization success.

Our Psychometric assessments such as 15FQ+, OPPro, Service and Sales roles assessments have been proven to be suitable for talent acquisition. The Ideal Profile report of 15FQ+ is especially useful since it provides a spreadsheet report which automatically ranks all candidates. Organisations also need to ensure that they are screening candidates early on so that precious time is not wasted in filling the job roles. If the talent managers have developed a criterion or characteristics that they need, then        the ideal profile report can also be used to filter out candidates so that the talent managers can work with quality candidates                       

The report provides great support to hiring managers who get several insights like the potential questions for assessing specific areas. The interview questions provided by most of our assessments are uniquely based on the candidate’s results leading to more reliable talent acquisition.  This can lead to better conversations with the candidate around role specific information around his, functional skills, personality and ability. This is critical for the success of talent acquisition and as it may result in better experience of new hires and the organisation. Using psychometric tests help to make the recruiting process better, 

Please connect us no matter how small or large your requirements are, our talent acquisition solutions will be more than eager to help you.