The Academic Structure of the NCUK
The NCUK programs are taught over two semesters with 8 modules in total. Each module worth 15 credits, which are internationally accepted by NCUK partner Universities. Students are assessed on their performance based on their semester examination (75%) and assignments (25%).
The Curriculum of the NCUK
The Curriculum is divided broadly into two semesters in which a student will be studying Business Economics, Financial Accounting, Business Skills, Organisational Behaviour, Accounting, Marketing Management, Case studies, Quantitative Methods for Business. As such, the student does not get the option of electives in the first year.
Our Classes in the First Semester are from Monday to Thursday – 10 am to 4 pm and for the Second Semester it is from Monday -Thursday -10 am to 5 pm). The NCUK academic team formulates the IY1 curriculum to ensure that all the modules are well aligned with the first year in the UK undergraduate education system and hence the students will be studying the same modules as the UK undergrads.