Contingent upon the test that you are settling on, in the IELTS 6.5/9 generally speaking band score is viewed as a normal pass while anything above 7.5 is viewed as acceptable. On account of PTE anything over 65 is viewed as acceptable and on account of TOEFL 90-100 is viewed as reasonable. Every school sets its own norms for each test. By and large, the most renowned U.S. universities require at any rate a seven on the IELTS, a 80 on the iBT or a 550 on the pBT. Different universities commonly require at any rate a six and a half on the IELTS, 75 on the iBT or a 510 on the pBT.
A six on the IELTS is named as skillful, a seven as great, an eight as generally excellent and a nine as master. On the TOEFL iBT, a 60 is capable, 94 is acceptable, 110 is generally excellent and 118 is master.
Understudies who don’t score at any rate in the capable range may be offered restrictive affirmation, which expects them to take extra English classes.
For Undergraduate affirmations understudies should check with singular colleges to realize what comprises a decent IELTS score for undergrad confirmation, just as different subtleties past the base score. A few projects require a general score in a specific range, typically 6.0 to 7.0, yet then include a specification that understudies must accomplish a specific score in at least one of the particular areas of the test – frequently, the composing segment
A few Ivy League colleges require a general score of at any rate a 7.0 and most different colleges require a 6.5.