United States is a popular destination for international students from across the globe. Of the 19 million students in the US that are in higher education, there are over 1 million international students. The American culture fascinates international students as it is considered a melting pot of diverse cultures. Scores of students from across the globe – China, India, South East Asia , New Zealand, Australia, Europe all aspire to be part of the American dream. The quality of higher education in the United States is at the foundation of it all. 

Why do international students prefer US?

The US offers best-accredited programs that offer a unique approach to higher education and offer cutting-edge institutions, instructional resources and facilities. Students in the US, also get exposed to the rich diversity of culture, people and countries.

The US education system has often been said to be the most diverse in the world, in terms of student mix, courses and institutions – from community colleges to world renowned universities. The sheer number of accredited universities in the US provides great choice to International students. There are 3 types of institutions in the US namely: 

  • Vocational Institutes 
  • Community colleges and
  • University

Vocational institutes and Community colleges offer an associate degree. Some students can also convert this associate degree from a community college to a university degree at the undergraduate level through credit transfers.

US – a popular choice

US is the preferred destination for international students. International students from all over the world look to study in the USA as it offers the best higher education opportunities. Graduates of such programs emerge with job-ready skills with a foundation for learning and success that serves them their whole lifetimes. To be eligible to study in US, International students need to know the US equivalent of your last qualification from your home country. You will also be required to submit test scores of qualifying exams that are required to qualify for American education at undergraduate.

Further the Post study work opportunities offered in the United States of America, make the destination even more popular among the International student community. Students on F1 student visa get up to one year. For Students studying STEM courses, a new rule allows them an extension to stay in the US for 2 years. This means that students can continue to stay in the US for three years after finishing their course of study. This means that students can gain work experience in the US, explore job opportunities. The emerging sectors of the US an the skill shortages in US help to make US an attractive location for talent from around the world. 

Across the US, students can get programs taught by leading experts in their field – with a natural inclination toward best-in-class research and practical applications of knowledge.

Even in terms of Rankings, there are 5 US universities in the top 10 of the world’s best university rankings the US provides quality higher Education: Approx. 30% of the world’s top 100 universities are in the US. Teachers in the U.S. spend between 1050 and 1100 hours a year teaching – much more than in almost every country. It is important to English language proficiency tests are required for International students wanting to study in the US.

Further, every year US universities provide Support /Aids by way of different scholarships and provide post-study work opportunities.

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