The Political Environment of New Zealand
New Zealand is a unitary parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy with consistent economic growth. now King Charles is New Zealand’s sovereign and head of state since 6 February 1952.
The present government consists of a three-party coalition between the Labour Party, New Zealand First, and the Green Party led by Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern who is the current Prime Minister of New Zealand. The opposition party is the center-right New Zealand National Party led by Christopher Luxon. Moreover, the judicial system is founded on English common law principles and is independent of the legislature. New Zealand was ranked the world’s third most stable country in the Fund for Peace 2016 Fragile States Index. In fact, New Zealand was the first country in the world to grant women the unconditional right to vote (1893). The two main segments of law in New Zealand that specifically promote and protect human rights is the Human Rights Act 1993, and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. A representative Parliament keeps public engagement with the political process high. Around 75-80% of New Zealanders vote in general elections.
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