Demographic profile of France
France is located in the western Europe and has many overseas regions like French Polynesia, Saint Pierre, French Guiana and some others.
Currently the population is 23rd in the whole world, estimated at 67.4 million. In terms of the population density, there are nearly 18.5% of the total population in the age group of 0-14 years, 12% is in the age group of 15-24 years , nearly 38% is in the age group of 25-54 years, close to 12.5% belongs to the age group of 55-64 years and around 19.5% belongs to the age bracket of 65 years and above.
Paris is the largest city in France with a population of 2.16 million and is the most populous urban area in the European Union.
In 2015, the population in Paris is 63-65% Christian based faiths, 7-9% Muslim based faiths, 5-7% with Buddhist based faiths and rest with other faiths.
Over the last 6-8 years the population growth rate in France was more than most of the countries in the world. Also, The birth rate exceeded the death rate by a great amount, having the second highest number of children per family in European nations.
France is expected to see a growth in population by another 9 million people in the next 40 years which will make the country’s population close to 71 million by 2050.
France is the most populous country in Europe, despite a decrease in population in many of its neighboring countries.
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