The top 10 highest paying jobs in Australia are as follows:
- Surgeons
Almost 4,000 Australians work as Surgeons with an average taxable income of $394,000 per year.
- Internal Medicine Specialists
There are over 8,500 employees working in this field and they earn almost $300,000 per year.
- Anesthetists
There are almost 3,000 anesthetists in Australia with an average taxable income of $367,000 per year.
- Financial Dealers
Nearly 4,500 people in Australia work as financial dealers with an average taxable income of $261,000 per year.
- Psychiatrists
There are nearly 30000 psychiatrists in Australia with an average taxable income of $216,000 per year.
- Medical Practitioners
There are close to 30,000 Australians in this profession and they earn an average of $204,000 per year.
- Judicial/Legal Professionals
This profession employs over 3,500 in Australia, and they earn an average taxable income of $195,000 per year.
- CEO and Managing Directors
There are over 175,000 workers in the executive management sector, who earn an average income of around $160,000 per year.
- Engineering Managers
Australia has over 25,000 engineering managers who earn an average taxable income of approximately $147,000 per year.
- Mining Engineers
There are roughly over 8,000 mining engineers in Australia, who make a taxable wage of approximately $167,000 per year.