Becoming a certified Action Learning coach
Becoming a certified action learning coach can be a game changer for any professional. The Certification of Action Learning Coach (CALC) is a very intensive program that enables participants to appreciate the value of the action learning process and at the same time acquire valuable coaching skills. Action learning helps develop effective leaders as provides them the opportunity to identify learning opportunities, observe teams, ask questions and provide constructive feedback, and model behaviour.
The World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) is the world’s leading certifying body for providing certification of Action Learning coach (CALC). WIAL certifies individuals as Action Learning Coaches and train groups in the Action Learning Process. It is an international organisation that provides services in six continents. The benefits of Action learning are experienced at all levels – individuals, team, leaders and organisation. The Action learning coach plays a critical part in the process to ensure that there is action and learning
Professionals looking to augmenting their profile and bring value to their organizations can explore a certification in Action Learning from WIAL. These coaches are equipped with the skills and the experience to excel in a variety of challenging situations. The certification programs such as CALC provide first-hand experience by way of practice sessions, that are interspersed with content that provides a deep dive on the key concepts, that forms the foundation to become an action learning coach. Presenters from organisations with real challenges are invited during the sessions and group members work towards finding a solution to the problem
WIAL offers 4 different certifications. Each level of certification has a specific requirement of education and experience
- Certified Action Learning Coaches (CALCs) are coaches that can coach Action Learning sessions.
- Professional Action Learning Coaches (PALCs) are coaches that have proven their ability as coaches.
- Senior Action Learning Coaches (SALCs) are coaches who are cleared to lead all WIAL programs.
- Master Action Learning Coaches (MALCs) are coaches considered thought leaders within the Action Learning community.
For organisations and individuals in search of programs that develops leaders, individuals or teams or a problem-solving tool that will use the collective knowledge of the team members we recommend that you leave a message with your name and your organisation name on our website and we will reach out to you.