EB-5 is an investment-driven migration program for the United States of America, which was started by the U.S. Government back in the year 1990. The EB 5 visa is a citizenship by investment visa that enables the investors and their families to obtain permanent residency in the U.S.A. by virtue of making a qualifying investment in projects within the U.S economy. The Investor must make a minimum investment of $900,000 that should result in creation of 10 new full time jobs.
USCIS approved Regional centers are permitted to sponsor these projects and raise EB5 capital. Regional centers raise capital from foreign investors seeking the EB 5 Visa and deploy it in projects that could be in a Targeted/Non-targeted Employment Area (TEA). The USCIS has defined TEA as areas with high unemployment rate and to qualify they have to be a 150% of the National average and hence the investment amount is $900,000 as against $1.8 million in a Non- TEA. This helps the inflow of foreign capital investment and also reduces unemployment due to job creation which in turn helps improve the economic condition of the country.
Depending on your country of birth the time to process applications may vary. Indians who have Immigration goals, would generally face approximately two years of processing time. Upon completion of 5 years and receipt of your green card the Immigrant investor and family can apply for Citizenship if required.