The climate in the USA
Students traveling to study in the US will benefit from knowing the climate and weather conditions of the country.
The overall climate in the USA is temperate, with notable exceptions and variations. Alaska is in the tundra region and experiences tundra climate. At the same, Hawaii & South Florida have a tropical climate. Great Plains that are dry, flat and grassy extend into the far west which is an arid zone . The climate is Mediterranean along the Californian coast.
- The southern states experience summers with hot climates and the plains are humid. The southwest is very hot and dry.
- In the Pacific Northwest and New England states, summers are warm with cool mornings and pleasant evenings.
- Winters in the southern states are mild, while in other parts of the US, the conditions are often quite cold with heavy snow and sub-freezing temperatures.
- Temperature varies between +33 degrees to -20 degrees (in Celsius) so check out the climatic conditions in your city of Study before you pack your bags and essentials.
- For cold winter conditions it is advisable to buy warm clothing locally rather than carry from your home country.
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