Part-Time Job opportunities for students studying in the US
The US is a destination of choice for International students from around the world.
International Students can take up part- time jobs while studying in the US and it is a smart way to manage your personal expenses. Students on F1 visa, as per immigration rules, can work up to 20 hours per week and get paid around USD 7 per hour as per the state minimum wages. Usually college and university students are able find on-campus part-time jobs.
International Students with F1 visas have an opportunity to work legally within the US without the need for a work permit or any other type of visa via the Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Curricular Practical Training options (CPT).
It is important to understand the major difference between OPT and CPT. A key parameter of difference between OPT and CPT is the time period in which a student is eligible for these programs. Another critical factor is the type of work that is allowed in OPT and CPT . It is noteworthy that a student can complete OPT while pursuing their graduation or even after their graduation .CPT must be completed before graduation.
Students are permitted to work in paid or unpaid internships, practicum or cooperative (co-op) education programs under the CPT employment. CPT relates to your study as a requirement of your major course or program of study. If not any of the aforementioned, it should lead towards a course credit. A select list of certain employers participates in the CPT. On the other hand, OPT program is not specific to any employer and allows the student to work – irrespective of a co-op or internship. There is no specific requirement to achieve as a course credit.
Part -time jobs are a good way to earn money to meet your personal living expenses. These can be managed along with studies and help to use your time gainfully. For gaining part -time employment as a student in the US, you need to compile a resume. This resume must include your GPA and other academic achievements. It is also important to highlight your student involvement in co- curricular activities such as sports, cultural activities or community projects. Significant achievements in the home country such as school leadership position should also be included. Including a reference always helps.
Apply with your resume to all your college departments such as office, research offices as well as sports department and library. The college or university will also list the part- time job opportunities on the website. Top part -time jobs opportunities available on university campus are typically:
- Research Assistant
- Library assistant
- Campus Tour guide
- Teaching assistant
- Academic Department assistant
- Campus Tech support
- Performing arts or production assistant
- Peer tour
- Cafeteria or Coffee Shop assistants on campus
As an international student it is good to exercise your work rights available on F1 student visa and search for part-time working.
Please get in touch with our Relationships team for more information on part-time job opportunities.